JavaScript Master Class
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30 Hours
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299 Lessons (30h)
- IntroIntro3:38
- EXERCISE Files and SOFTWARE Setup00 INTRO - Exercise Files and Software Setup0:5001 LECTURE - Software Setup Overview3:3402 PRACTICE - WINDOWS ONLY - Install "cmder"0:2803 PRACTICE - Visual Studio Code Setup10:3304 PRACTICE - Launch Node.js and execute test JavaScript file4:4205 PRACTICE - Git Overview - PART 110:0207 PRACTICE - Clone remote GIt repository and switch Branches6:5006 PRACTICE - Git Overview - PART 26:2108 PRACTICE - Use SourceTree for Git repositories management6:17
- JAVASCRIPT BASICS - IntroGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION1 PRACTICE - Exploring Web Sites in the Browser12:562 PRACTICE - Create first HTML file and start Live Server6:183 PRACTICE - Add favicon to the HTML file2:154 PRACTICE - JavaScript embedded into the HTML4:045 DEMO - Git branches management3:476 PRACTICE - JavaScript in the separate file3:037 CHALLENGE - External Scripts1:178 ✓ CHALLENGE - External Scripts - SOLUTION2:359 PRACTICE - JavaScript in the Console of the Browser2:34
- JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Types and VariablesGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION10 LECTURE - Object in JavaScript3:5311 LECTURE - Primitive vs Reference Value Types11:2912 PRACTICE - Exploring Primitive Value Types13:4613 PRACTICE - Exploring Reference Type - Object5:5514 LECTURE - Variable declaration using "var", "let" and "const"9:1015 PRACTICE - Variable declaration and assignment13:5416 CHALLENGE - Variable Declaration and Assignment3:5617 CHALLENGE - Variables Reusage14:2818 LECTURE - Statically vs Dynamically typed Languages7:5319 PRACTICE - Dynamic typing in JavaScript9:46
- JAVASCRIPT BASICS - ObjectsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION20 LECTURE - Variety of Objects in JavaScript5:3021 LECTURE - Objects Modification11:5522 PRACTICE and CHALLENGES - Objects - PART 110:2923 PRACTICE and CHALLENGES - Objects - PART 210:4624 PRACTICE and CHALLENGES - Objects - PART 310:3925 LECTURE - Global Objects - "window" and "global"9:2226 LECTURE - Methods of the Object2:07
- JAVASCRIPT BASICS - FunctionsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION27 LECTURE - Introduction to the Functions6:2628 LECTURE - Syntax of the Function13:3429 PRACTICE - Functions - PART 112:5930 PRACTICE - Functions - PART 214:0331 CHALLENGES - Functions - PART 19:0232 CHALLENGES - Functions - PART 29:2633 LECTURE - Function Expressions vs Function Declarations7:0134 PRACTICE - Function Expressions, setTimout(), setInterval()11:2635 CHALLENGE - Function Expressions1:1636 ✓ CHALLENGE - Function Expressions - SOLUTION8:28
- JAVASCRIPT BASICS - OperatorsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION37 LECTURE - Operators8:4538 LECTURE - Operands, Unary vs Binary Operators and Notations5:1139 PRACTICE - Arithmetic Operators - PART 18:4840 PRACTICE - Arithmetic Operators - PART 212:1141 PRACTICE - Comparison Operators - PART 110:5442 PRACTICE - Comparison Operators - PART 210:4843 PRACTICE - Logical Operators - PART 112:3144 PRACTICE - Logical Operators - PART 210:5645 PRACTICE - Operators Precedence and Associativity12:1146 CHALLENGES - Operators - PART 19:4147 CHALLENGES - Operators - PART 211:15
- JAVASCRIPT BASICS - Expressions vs StatementsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION48 LECTURE - Expressions vs Statements - PART 110:4249 LECTURE - Expressions vs Statements - PART 211:1150 PRACTICE - Expressions vs Statements - PART 18:4951 PRACTICE - Expressions vs Statements - PART 211:56
- ES6 Variables LifecyclesGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION11 LECTURE - Recap of the "var"7:5012 LECTURE - Scopes - Global, Function and Block2:2613 LECTURE - let10:3614 LECTURE - const11:5215 LECTURE - Variables Usage Guidelines13:0516 LECTURE - Var, Let or Const?16:1917 CHALLENGE 1-1 - let, var and const3:0018 ✓ CHALLENGE 1-1 - let, var and const - SOLUTION10:1419 CHALLENGE 1-2 - let, var and closures3:1920 ✓ CHALLENGE 1-2 - let, var and closures - SOLUTION10:5521 LECTURE - JavaScript Engine Phases2:1122 LECTURE - Variable Lifecycle Phases6:0923 LECTURE - Var lifecycle7:3324 LECTURE - Undecleard variable lifecycle6:0225 LECTURE - Let lifecycle8:2926 LECTURE - Const lifecycle5:5127 LECTURE - Function lifecycle - Part 16:1627 LECTURE - Function lifecycle - Part 26:0228 LECTURE - What is finally hoisting?1:4929 DEMO - Putting different variables lifecycles together4:0130 ✓ DEMO - Putting different variables lifecycles together - SOLUTION, Part 17:0031 ✓ DEMO - Putting different variables lifecycles together - SOLUTION, Part 217:2632 CHALLENGE 1-3 - Variable Lifecycles1:3233 ✓ CHALLENGE 1-3 - Variable Lifecycles - SOLUTION9:4234 LECTURE - Variables Phases Section Summary4:46
- ES6 Arrow FunctionsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION35 LECTURE - Introduction to the Arrow Functions Section0:3436 LECTURE - Traditional JavaScript Functions Overview13:1237 LECTURE - Introduction to the Arrow Functions2:2738 LECTURE - Arrow Functions syntax8:4739 PRACTICE - Arrow Functions12:3940 LECTURE - Arrow Functions and "this"12:1341 LECTURE - Regular functions instead of Arrow Functions9:4342 CHALLENGE 2-1 - Regular vs Arrow Functions1:1643 ✓ CHALLENGE 2-1 - Regular vs Arrow Functions - SOLUTION11:3944 LECTURE - Arguments in the Functions6:2245 LECTURE - Arrow Functions Summary2:04
- ES5.1 Array Helper MethodsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION47 LECTURE - forEach() Overview3:5248 PRACTICE - forEach()7:1049 CHALLENGE 3-1 - forEach() with Index0:4350 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-1 - forEach() with Index - SOLUTION3:3251 LECTURE - map() Overview2:3452 PRACTICE - map()12:3953 CHALLENGE 3-2 - map() JSON to Object0:3154 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-2 - map() JSON to Object - SOLUTION8:1755 LECTURE - filter() Overview1:3156 PRACTICE - filter()3:1457 LECTURE - find() Overview1:4858 PRACTICE - find()2:3859 CHALLENGE 3-3 - find() Single Post0:5760 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-3 - find() Single Post - SOLUTION2:1361 LECTURE - every() and some() Overview2:3662 PRACTICE - every() and some()9:2863 CHALLENGE 3-4 Is Array of Numbers Sorted?2:0064 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-4 Is Array of Numbers Sorted? - SOLUTION12:3865 CHALLENGE 3-5 Are Arrays Equal or not?2:1366 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-5 Are Arrays Equal or not? - SOLUTION6:5167 CHALLENGE 3-6 Check if Element is in Array1:1168 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-6 Check if Element is in Array - SOLUTION2:2269 LECTURE - includes() Overview1:3670 PRACTICE - includes()4:2871 CHALLENGE 3-7 Includes() with Array or Object4:0072 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-7 Includes() with Array or Object - SOLUTION11:0773 CHALLENGE 3-8 Push Element to Array if Not Exists2:1974 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-8 Push Element to Array if Not Exists - SOLUTION8:5475 LECTURE - reduce() Overview4:0376 PRACTICE - reduce()16:5577 CHALLENGE 3-9 Reduce Array of Objects1:2178 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-9 Reduce Array of Objects - SOLUTION4:3079 CHALLENGE 3-10 Reduce Array of Objects to Object1:5680 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-10 Reduce Array of Objects to Object - SOLUTION9:0281 LECTURE - Do you know how sort() works?3:1782 LECTURE - Sorting Algorithms Overview3:4283 LECTURE - Stable vs Unstable Sort2:2484 LECTURE - sort() Overview4:5285 LECTURE - sort() without Arguments2:3786 LECTURE - sort() Analyze sorting algorithms10:2287 LECTURE - sort() Algorithms in different browsers12:3788 CHALLENGE 3-11 sort() Array of objects1:4389 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-11 sort() Array of objects - SOLUTION6:2990 CHALLENGE 3-12 sort() Long Array of objects1:3291 ✓ CHALLENGE 3-12 sort() Long Array of objects - SOLUTION14:3192 LECTURE - sort() Summary2:3593 LECTURE - Array helper methods Summary5:01
- ES6 Template LiteralsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION94 LECTURE - Template Literals Overview11:2895 LECTURE - Tagged Templates Overview11:3596 CHALLENGE 4-1 Template Literals1:0297 ✓ CHALLENGE 4-1 Template Literals - SOLUTION4:0598 CHALLENGE 4-2 Default tagged template2:1999 ✓ CHALLENGE 4-2 Default tagged template - SOLUTION14:34
- ES6 Rest/Spread Operators and Default Function ParametersGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION100 LECTURE - Rest Parameters Overview4:50101 PRACTICE - Rest Parameters11:54102 LECTURE - Spread Operator Overview1:22103 PRACTICE - Spread Operator17:18104 CHALLENGE 5-1 Rest and Spread Operators3:05105 ✓ CHALLENGE 5-1 Rest and Spread Operators - SOLUTION14:18106 LECTURE - Default Function Parameters Overview3:24107 PRACTICE - Default Function Parameters15:57108 CHALLENGE 5-2 Default value without default parameters1:31109 ✓ CHALLENGE 5-2 Default value without default parameters - SOLUTION5:43110 CHALLENGE 5-3 Generate Missing Unique IDs3:44111 ✓ CHALLENGE 5-3 Generate Missing Unique IDs - SOLUTION PART 15:02112 ✓ CHALLENGE 5-3 Generate Missing Unique IDs - SOLUTION PART 28:02113 ✓ CHALLENGE 5-3 Generate Missing Unique IDs - SOLUTION PART 315:56114 ✓ CHALLENGE 5-3 Generate Missing Unique IDs - SOLUTION PART 411:33
- ES6 Enhanced Object LiteralsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION115 LECTURE - Enhanced Object Literals Overview3:00116 PRACTICE - Enhanced Object Literals14:02117 CHALLENGE 6-1 Enhanced Object Literals3:51118 ✓ CHALLENGE 6-1 Enhanced Object Literals - SOLUTION11:56
- ES6 Array and Object DestructuringGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION119 LECTURE - Destructuring Overview5:16120 PRACTICE - Array Destructuring20:13121 CHALLENGE 6-2 Array Destructuring0:34122 ✓ CHALLENGE 6-2 Array Destructuring - SOLUTION1:50123 CHALLENGE 6-3 Destructure Result of the Function1:19124 ✓ CHALLENGE 6-3 Destructure Result of the Function - SOLUTION9:17125 PRACTICE - Object Destructuring - PART 114:42126 LECTURE - New Variable Names and Default Values in Object Destructuring3:50127 PRACTICE - Object Destructuring - PART 29:04128 CHALLENGE 6-4 Object Destructuring0:50129 ✓ CHALLENGE 6-4 Object Destructuring - SOLUTION5:49130 CHALLENGE 6-5 Object Destructuring and Array Helper Methods1:50131 ✓ CHALLENGE 6-5 Object Destructuring and Array Helper Methods - SOLUTION6:21132 CHALLENGE 6-6 Delete Object Properties0:50133 ✓ CHALLENGE 6-6 Delete Object Properties - SOLUTION10:44
- ES6 Classes, Prototypes and Function ConstructorsGIT REPOSITORY FOR THIS SECTION134 LECTURE - Class-based vs Prototype-based3:07135 LECTURE - What is inheritance?4:36136 LECTURE - Prototype Chain5:26137 LECTURE - proto and [[Prototype]]5:42138 LECTURE - What is Prototype?5:36139 LECTURE - Don't reassign proto 4:43140 LECTURE - Native Prototypes - PART 110:34141 LECTURE - Native Prototypes - PART 28:48142 LECTURE - Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript7:35143 PRACTICE - Function Constructors - PART 19:07144 LECTURE - Function Constructors Overview4:07145 PRACTICE - Function Constructors - PART 23:18146 PRACTICE - Function Constructors - PART 315:00147 LECTURE - Object.create() Overview3:24148 PRACTICE - Object.create()9:41149 PRACTICE - Function Constructors - PART 417:40150 LECTURE - Function Constructors - New Prototype in the Chain3:30151 CHALLENGE 7-1 Insert Prototype Into the Existing Prototype Chain1:31152 ✓ CHALLENGE 7-1 Insert Prototype Into the Existing Prototype Chain - SOLUTION7:09153 LECTURE - "instanceof" and "typeof" in the Prototype Chain3:52154 CHALLENGE 7-2 Fix Mistakes in the Function Constructors0:58155 ✓ CHALLENGE 7-2 Fix Mistakes in the Function Constructors - SOLUTION14:48156 LECTURE - Classes - Overview5:52157 LECTURE - Classes vs Function Constructors10:32158 PRACTICE - Classes - PART 113:26159 PRACTICE - Classes - PART 220:55160 PRACTICE - Classes - PART 312:33161 CHALLENGE 7-3 Convert Function Constructors to Classes1:45162 ✓ CHALLENGE 7-3 Convert Function Constructors to Classes - SOLUTION12:28163 CHALLENGE 7-4 Extend Array4:13164 ✓ CHALLENGE 7-4 Extend Array - SOLUTION11:09165 CHALLENGE 7-5 Custom Push Method for Arrays2:33166 ✓ CHALLENGE 7-5 Custom Push Method for Arrays - SOLUTION13:46167 LECTURE - React and ES6 Classes20:43168 CHALLENGE 7-6 Classes in React - Additional Button1:17169 ✓ CHALLENGE 7-6 Classes in React - Additional Button - SOLUTION7:24
- Babel Introduction00 LECTURE - Babel Module Introduction0:2301 LECTURE - What is Compiler?1:1502 LECTURE - Compiled vs Interpreted languages4:1803 LECTURE - Transpiler1:2804 LECTURE - Transpling vs Compiling2:2005 LECTURE - ES5, ES6 and JavaScript3:5706 LECTURE - What Babel does?2:2107 LECTURE - Why do we need Babel?7:3108 LECTURE - ES6 support by Browsers6:4909 LECTURE - How many browsers need compiled ES5 code?2:2510 PRACTICE - Babel in action - ES6 Rest operator4:3111 PRACTICE - Compare performance - ES6 Rest Operator(Node.js)5:4412 PRACTICE - Compare Performance - ES6 Rest Operator (Google Chrome)2:5913 CHALLENGE - Compare Performance - ES6 Destructuring1:4914 ✓ CHALLENGE - Compare Performance - ES6 Destructurng - SOLUTION6:0915 LECTURE - What is User Agent?4:0816 LECTURE - Serve different JS files to different browers0:4517 LECTURE - Different JS files on the server2:0618 PRACTICE - Browser detection on the client4:3919 CHALLENGE - Detect feature support in the Browser0:2820 ✓ CHALLENGE - Detect feature support in the Browser - SOLUTION4:1821 CHALLENGE - Insert different script tags into the DOM3:0922 ✓ CHALLENGE - Insert different script tags into the DOM - SOLUTION6:4423 LECTURE - How Babel Works?1:3724 PRACTICE - Online Babel Compiler2:0825 LECTURE - Install Babel Globally3:0926 PRACTICE - Compile JS file using Babel2:0427 LECTURE - Plugins and Presets6:08
- NPM - Node Package Manager01 LECTURE - Introduction to the NPM0:4702 PRACTICE - Exploring NPM packages1:3203 LECTURE - Package.json and init3:1104 LECTURE - Semantic Versioning4:4505 LECTURE - Packages Installation2:1306 PRACTICE - Install package in the project4:4207 CHALLENGE - Install Semver package0:3708 ✓ CHALLENGE - Install Semver Package - SOLUTION11:0409 PRACTICE - Install Browserslist - package with own dependencies3:2210 LECTURE - Dependencies and Development Dependencies2:4311 PRACTICE - Examine Development Dependencies6:2112 PRACTICE - Browser App vs Server Package4:4113 CHALLENGE - Clock Browser Application1:4214 ✓ CHALLENGE - Clock Browser Application - SOLUTION12:0715 LECTURE - Clock Challenge Summary2:1916 LECTURE - Browser App vs Public Package6:5017 PRACTICE - Exploring Package Information and Versions2:4418 PRACTICE - Installing Specific Package Version3:2519 LECTURE - Why package-lock.json file is needed?4:2820 CHALLENGE - Reinstall old package version without lock file0:5821 ✓ CHALLENGE - Reinstall old package version without lock file - SOLUTION3:0722 LECTURE - How lock file is handled10:5523 LECTURE - Lock file summary0:3724 LECTURE - Update NPM packages overview1:3225 CHALLENGE - Update project dependencies0:4026 ✓ CHALLENGE - Update project dependencies - SOLUTION5:0727 LECTURE - Introduction to the NPM scripts2:4928 PRACTICE - Start npm script2:2129 CHALLENGE - Create prestart script1:2830 ✓ CHALLENGE - Create prestart script - SOLUTION7:1331 PRACTICE - Custom NPM scripts2:4832 CHALLENGE - Run NPM scripts simultaneously1:1533 ✓ CHALLENGE - Run NPM scripts simultaneously - SOLUTION3:2534 LECTURE - NPM .bin Folder with Executable Scripts4:4535 PRACTICE - Explore .bin Folder on the Mac2:4836 PRACTICE - Explore .bin Folder on Windows1:2837 LECTURE - NPM Scripts Wrap-Up1:24
DescriptionInstructorImportant DetailsRelated Products
Everything You Need to Know to Become a JavaScript Developer
Bogdan StashchukBogdan Stashchuk | Software Engineer, MBA, PhD
4.6/5 Instructor Rating:
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Bogdan Stashchuk is a software engineer, a Udemy instructor and he is also a senior Full Stack Web Developer. He has a 20 years of experience teaching Node.js, React, Redux, JavaScript, ES6, Docker, MongoDB, Grafana, NPM, Kafka and so much more!
JavaScript is the web's most popular programming language and absolutely essential to learn for aspiring web developers. This beginner-friendly course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript to become a front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer. Through 70 hands-on exercises, you'll get up to speed with JavaScript basics and advance through to expert topics.
- Access 299 lectures & 30 hours of content 24/7
- Learn JavaScript, ES6, NPM, Webpack, Babel, Node, and React by solving real-world problems
- Learn JavaScript fundamentals and advanced topics
- Understand ES6 features
- Understand proper methods to work with Arrays
- Discover the purposes of the NPM
- Explore the basics of the NoSQL database MongoDB
Important Details
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
- Certification of completion included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: beginner
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here
- Any device with basic specifications
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
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